Worship Team

We invite you to join us on a Sunday morning for our worship service that begins at 10:40 am.  You are welcome to participate in our time of worship in whatever way you feel comfortable. Our typical attendance is 60-70 people of all ages. 

Our services include times of singing together, scripture readings and prayers, short lessons and stories for our children, and a relevant sermon connecting the teachings of the Bible to our lives. There is also a time for individuals to share joys, concerns, a response to the sermon, or a testimony of God’s goodness in one’s life with the whole church community.

For singing time together, our music is varied from week to week with traditional hymns led by a song leader, songs from other cultures, and contemporary songs led by a praise team.  Many different musical instruments are used with our worship music including piano, guitar, violin, viola, djembe, harmonica, flute, and trumpet. 

Our style of dress tends to be fairly informal within a wide range of dress.  Feel free to wear what is comfortable for you as you join us.

There is no formal nursery service or children’s ministry during our worship service, but a nursery is available right next to the sanctuary.  A greeter will gladly assist you if you need nursery services.